About * Blog Posts * Thoughts(Mastodon) * Links
Welcome to my corner of the net.

This is my place to post projects I'm working on, links that I find interesting, and anything else that interests me.
You won't find any interesting web design here. Just old fashion web 1.0 style.

Feel free to poke around :)

(all layout, grammar, poor writing, and spelling errors are done on purpose and not accidents)

+++===--- Projects ---===+++
Migrating to the Linux Desktop
3d Printer Projects
Retro Tech Projects - 8-bit computers, hacked consoles, etc.
Home Lab Project - VM host, PFsense router, etc.
Raspberry Pi Atari 600
Personal Computer
Record Collecting and Hi-Fi

 Rolls VP29 Upgrade

===--- DEAD Projects ---===
A Linux-powered laptop - installed Asahi on my M1 Mac
1920's Philco Jr. Bluetooth Speaker - Abandonded

~~~~ Art Collection ~~~~
My collection from local artists - Stickers, prints, paintings, etc.
Links to Portland Street Artists
 Street Art in Portland - Slap tags (stickers), posters, etc. All from Portland.

old "tw33ts"

Tor Address: ydtynb4y34sfp52uc6otbo7cgwf56o5vmk

======____ Web Rings ____======

<-- Hotline Webring -->

<-- Retronaut Webring -->

How to Chat in the 90s.