VM Projects

Setting up your own homelab can be a great way to teach yourself new IT skills. You don't need a powerful machine for a homelab either. Many of the computers you find on woot.com or ebay will work. Many of the smaller 1l desktops (mini micros) make great machines to start with.

Here are a few VM projects I found useful/interesting.

Pi Hole

Run your own DNS hosting service. I set up PiHole with Unbound. By default, PiHole checks other DNS services for lookup, (ex:,, or your own ISPs DNS). There's nothing wrong with using these services for DNS, but your ISP may harvest data from their DNS service to sell to advertisers. is Google's own DNS service, and since they are primarily and ad company, they too are interested in collecting DNS data.
Unbound changes your PiHole VM from a forwarding DNS service to a recursive DNS service. This link explains it far better than I can.

Freedom Box

Freedom Box hosts my Tiny Tiny RSS reader. Supports some other web apps, but at the moment it's only used for that.

Apache Guacamole

RDP from a web browser. Stores RDP, SSH, etc connections. Allows you to connect to multiple machines from a browser tab. Very handy for administering your network environment when not at home (access from a web browser tab in a KASM envrionment).


My media server. Like hosting your own private Netflix in your house.

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